Check out this instructional Russian language video to learn Russian as Russians speak it. This is Theme 10 in the series. Practice your Russian listening skills by listening to the dialogue presented in this language video. Learn words related to doctor and pharmacy.
It aims at improving the student's command of Russian dialogue techniques and is designed for students who have worked through an elementary Russian course and who wish to develop their aural comprehension and speech habits. The student is assumed to have mastered the fundamentals of Russian pronunciation and intonation, the formation and meaning of the most essential nominal and verbal forms, the basic syntactical structures, and to have a command of an elementary Russian vocabulary.
This course is based on topics and situations. It consists of 11 sections dealing with everyday topics, each topic presented in microsituations in which a foreigner may find himself in a Russian linguistic environment.
The purpose of this course is to help the student assimilate typical speech formulas generally used in such situations, master the Russian speech "etiquette" within the limits set by this course, and improve his pronunciation and intonation. Each of the 11 sections is divided into lessons based on dialogues dealing with one and the same situation. They generally consist of 6-8 responses and are to be regarded as standards of speech behavior in similar situations.
Each dialogue is provided with exercises which extend its vocabulary and grammar, give variations for the responses it consists of (short and complete answers, negative and affirmative forms of questions, responses with normal and inverted word order, etc.) and introduce additional situations.
Check out this instructional Russian language video to learn how to say and pronounce doctor and pharmacy related words in Russian!
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